Kiss Winery & Valley of the Beautiful Woman
The best place to try exceptional wines in Eger is in the Valley of Beautiful Women (Szépasszony völgy). Here you will find more than 200 producers, some of the best wines in Hungary, assembled along one of the country’s most famous wine cellar routes. These are typically open year-round and all day long. Naturally, you can also taste wines at the many wine bars, restaurants, and wineries around Eger. Do take the opportunity to talk to the winemakers on site, while tasting. They are often very friendly and happy to chat about flavours, fragrance and their philosophy of wine making. The Kiss Winery (Kiss Pincészet) has been functioning as a family business for 20 years organising wine tastings for groups in a cosy atmosphere. The winery processes grape from 50 hectares and produces 250-300 thousand liters of quality wine a year.