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Eifel National Parkå

Water, woodlands and wildlife – Eifel National Park displays nature at its glorious best. In 2004, the harvesting of natural resources like timber and crops came to an end in North Rhine-Westphalia’s first and so far only national park. Since then, the forest has been allowed to return to its original state, just like it would have appeared centuries ago. As a result, over 2,300 endangered animal and plant species have re-established themselves in the region, making it a paradise for admirers of nature at its untamed best. Covering an area of around 110 km2, the national park offers visitors the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the shy wild cat, or maybe hear the low rutting call of the stag in autumn or the clattering of the rare black stork.

Cultural Sector
Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW Nationalparkforstamt Eifel Urftseestraße 34 53937 Schleiden-Gemünd