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Pulmonological hospital and sanatorium (1870, rebuilt in modernist style 1934-1936)

The complex is located at the slopes of Kozia Góra in the Beskidy mountains, surrounded by vast forests. It was designed to fit harmoniously into the landscape and provide views over the mountains for the patients. It consists of pavilions, parks and gardens. The buildings were built in different periods with the majority of them in the modernist functionalist style with characteristic details of oriels, projections and rounded windows.
Tadeusz Reger died in this hospital in 1938. He was among famous patients of this hospital, along with the painter Julian Fałat, politician Ignacy Daszyński or poet K.H. Rostworowski. In the period before WWII and soon after many people suffered from lung conditions and Reger was one of them. The hospital in Bystra was considered one of the best facilities in the country to treat these.

Juliana Fałata 2, Bystra